Tip 2: In some cases, re-saving a PowerPoint file with a new name can reduce the file size by up to 50%. bmp format are usually very huge in size. You will find the PowerPoint file size is reduced much more. Ideal for reducing the size to send the document via E-Mail.
#How to compress pictures in powerpoint how to
Step 3: In the Picture Quality box, select Best for sending in e-mail (96 ppi), check Delete cropped areas of pictures, select All pictures in this file or select Selected pictures only based on your own needs, and then click OK. Learn how to compress PowerPoint Presentations (.pptx) and embedded images & videos to make the file smaller. Step 2: Click File and then in the File menu select Reduce File Size.
#How to compress pictures in powerpoint for mac
Part 2: Compress pictures to reduce PowerPoint file size in Office 2016 for Mac Then you will find the PowerPoint file size is reduced much more. Step 4: Press Ctrl + S to re-save this presentation to save the changes. Step 3: In the Compress Pictures dialog, under Resolution section, select E-mail (96 ppi): minimize document size for sharing, untick Apply only to this picture if you want to compress all pictures in this PowerPoint presentation, keep Delete cropped areas of pictures checked, and click OK. On the Format tab, click the Compress Pictures. Step 2: Double-click on one picture, and then you will see the Picture Tools appear in the menu bar. Step 1: Open the PowerPoint presentation. Part 1: Compress pictures to reduce PowerPoint file size in Office 2016 for Windows Following is how to compress pictures in PowerPoint 2016 for Windows and Mac. Make sure that Apply only to this picture is not selected so that the changes you make here will apply to all pictures in. You can’t remove them, but you can compress them to a smaller size, which not only will not affect picture viewing effect but also can reduce the PowerPoint 2016 file size. The pictures may be an indispensable part of your presentation. Now, this post will show you how to reduce PowerPoint file size in Office 2016 for Windows or Mac.
Then is there any way to make a large PowerPoint file smaller? Yes. However, it is not so convenient to store, share, send, or upload a large file. To increase the view of a PowerPoint presentation, a large number of pictures are usually added to slides, which makes the entire PowerPoint file very large in size.